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Forest School and Wellbeing for Children 

Forest Trees
How forest school nurtures a connection with the natural world...

The term 'forest bathing' was first coined at the Chiba University’s Centre for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, where they also state that "the smell of naturally dried wood calms prefrontal brain activity and relaxes the human body". The sense of calm that envelops us as we spend time in the woods reduces stress and relieves tension, helping us to have a positive frame of mind and a healthy outlook on the world. Being a child can be sometimes quite challenging, especially within the confines of the modern education system. The calming effect of being in the woodland can help to promote feelings of connection as the participant associates the natural environment with the positive state of mind they experience whilst outside. The fresh air and peaceful sounds, exercise and inspiration that can be found in the woods generally always has a positive effect on the wellbeing of the child, giving them experience of their natural local environment as a place of rejuvenation and relaxation. This is something they will hopefully always remember, which enables them to have the option to take solace in the woods whenever they need to as they become adults. 


Forest school activities foster a sense of connection by facilitating a deeper understanding of the natural world and how it works. Activities such as bush craft and woodworking are opportunities to work directly with the natural materials that the individual has sourced, creating a connection between the participant, material and object produced. This can help a child to make sense of the world and where things come from, helping them to feel grounded and confident.


Observation and identification of flora and fauna builds awareness and knowledge of the wildlife encountered during Forest School sessions. Taking part in such activities enhances participants experience of being outdoors as they begin to look more closely at the environment and see and understand the world with new knowledge and skills. 


If you feel that a regular forest school session, delivered by qualified and experienced forest school leaders could benefit your pupils, please get in touch to find out about booking and availability. 

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